Green light from the European Commission to the new RDP for the Region of Lombardy. The European Commission has formally approved yesterday the Rural Development Programme of the Lombardy Region for 2014-2020. In total it is 1.2 billion euro of public funding available for the seven, of which 499 million euro from the EU budget and 659 million euro of national co-financing. THE RDP Lombardy gives special emphasis on the actions related to the strengthening of the competitiveness of agriculture and primary producers, as well as the restoration, the preservation and enhancement of ecosystems.
About 3,200 farmers will receive support from the RDP for investment in the renovation and modernization of their farms or in processing and marketing of agricultural products. In addition to acting on competitiveness, these investments will also improve the environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation. Money will also be encouraged through the activation of a specific financial instrument, a credit fund which will support investment in the processing and marketing of agricultural products. More than 100 000 hectares of agricultural land will be the subject of agri-environment-climate agreements that will support biodiversity and the management of soil and water, while another 110 000 hectares of agricultural land will be supporting it in the mountain areas.
The four main measures of the RDP in terms of budget (total public funding) are:
- 409 million euro allocated to the measure 4 (investment in fixed assets)
- 240.3 million euro allocated to the measure 10 (payments agro-ambientaliclimatici)
- 103.2 million allocated for the measure 8 (forestry)
- 78 million allocated for the measure 13 (areas with natural constraints)
More insights also on individual measures of the new RDP Lombard on future issues of Enterprise Agricola News.
Milk prices in Lombardy, convened for 28 July the negotiating table is convened for Tuesday, July 28, in Milan, the directory on milk, aimed at reaching an agreement that determines the new selling price to the barn. “After the good results achieved at the technical level, I expect that now the representatives of the producers and the transformation to reach an agreement.” the Regional Councillor for Agriculture Gianni Fava state “The price of milk is missing for more than a year“, Fava cautioned, “and I do not think the conditions are there for further procrastinate. A scenario of uncertainty does not bring positive effects nor for manufacturers and even for the world‘s transformation. “
Lombardy is the first Italian region in the production of milk (42 percent of the national volume), with over 4,000 active companies and a third of DOP cheeses made in Italy.